Croop Eagle Award

Howard & Neil Croop Eagle Award Program
Scouts BSA Troop 400 - Eligibility and Application Procedures
Revised June 30, 2015

Purpose of the Award

The Howard & Neil Croop Award was established in 2002 to offer an award to Troop 400 Scouts who achieve the rank of Eagle Scout and intend on pursuing a post-secondary education. The award is to be used to supplement the funds each scout obtains for their post-secondary education and should not be used to reduce the amounts of any other scholarship, grant, loan, or any other financial support attained independently by the recipient. The recipient may use the award funds for anything needed to further their education. The award is funded through Troop 400 fundraising and donations in conjunction with Mars Area Scouting Association.  The award is  limited to a $1,000 maximum award per eligible Eagle Scout.

Basic Eligibility Requirements

Eagle Award Program Committees

Two committees will administer the Howard & Neil Croop Eagle Award program. No one person may be permitted to be a member of both committees at the same time. The committees are as follows:

Fund Raising Committee

The sole purpose of the Fund Raising Committee is to solicit funds for the award. All committee members must be registered Troop 400 leader, a registered Troop 400 committee member, or an elected member of the Mars Area Scouting Association (MASA).

The Fund Raising Committee will solicit funds in various methods, including solicitation of individual benefactors, recycling, dinners, garage sales, etc.

All funds collected for the Award will be deposited into a separate Eagle Award fund. The MASA Treasurer will maintain the Award fund. All operating costs will be taken from this Award fund. With the exception of the Award distribution, at least a two-thirds quorum vote by the MASA board of directors must be completed to approve any expenses in excess of $100.

Award Selection Committee

The Award Selection Committee will solicit applicants, receive, review, and approve applications. If a scout meets all of the basic eligibility requirements, the scout will be entitled to the award depending on the balance of the award fund. This committee will consist of the Troop 400 Scoutmaster, the Troop 400 Committee Chairperson, and the Mars Area Scouting Association President. A delegate may be assigned in the absence of a member.

An Award Selection Committee member must recuse himself/herself from the committee when his/her scouts application is being processed and, potentially, bestowed. The recused member must be replaced by a like, registered member. That is, a registered Troop 400 Assistant Scoutmaster will be substituted for a recused Scoutmaster. A registered Troop 400 Committee Member will be substituted for a recused Committee Chairperson. An elected Association member will be substituted for a recused Association President. (The remaining two Selection Committee members will appoint the substitute.)

Award Size

Each Eagle Scout will be eligible to receive a maximum of $1,000 for their post-secondary education. However, the amount of the annual award will be based on the amount of money collected for award purposes and the number of eligible applicants for the award. To receive the entire $1,000 award, an eligible Eagle Scout may need to apply multiple times throughout his post-secondary career. (NOTE: The Award funds will not be used to offset any outstanding debts the Scout incurred while a member of the Troop.)

Award Calendar

The Howard & Neil Croop Eagle Award will be processed on an annual basis subject to the following calendar:

NOTE: For Award purposes, a school year will be from August to July of the following year.

Repayment Terms

There are no repayment terms for the Eagle Award. The Eagle Award is a gift to each Troop 400 Eagle Scout that desires to attain a post-secondary degree. However, if a recipient is financially capable at some point in thier lifetime, he is encouraged to replace the amount of the award he received into the Howard & Neil Croop Eagle Award fund. This “funds recycling” will help future Troop 400 Eagle Scouts attain their post-secondary education goals. (This “funds recycling” message will be included on the Award certificate.)

Dispute Resolution

There should be no disputes. If a scout meets all of the basic eligibility requirements, he is entitled to the award. If a scout does not meet one requirement, he is not entitled to the award money. However, if a dispute arises, the decision of the Award Selection Committee will be final.

History of the Award

The Howard Croop Award was established in 2002 by the Mars Area Boy Scouting Association, the Chartered Organization for Troop 400 Mars Area Boy Scouts of America. The Association wanted to develop an award for those scouts that attained the rank of Eagle Scout and were continuing their post-secondary education. The award was honored to have Howard Croop lend his name to the award, the longest charter member of Troop 400, former Cubmaster to Pack 413 and Scoutmaster to Troop 400. Howard continued a legacy of Troop 400 scouts with his father also being active in scouting as Cubmaster with Pack 413 and involved with the committee for Troop 400. Howard’s sons and grandson became Eagle Scouts with Troop 400 as well, Brian in 1989, Neil in 1994, and Braeden in 2022. The award’s name was changed to the Howard and Neil Croop Eagle Award following the passing of Neil in 2009.